For the construction of the body are normally used steel plates of different qualities. The body sheet thicknesses typically range between 0.5 and 3 mm. However, the main part of the sheet up from 0.8 to 1.0 mm. The steel exhibits excellent mechanical characteristics relating to rigidity, strength and suitability for plastic forming machining, besides being relatively inexpensive to obtain. To improve their mechanical or chemical, steel is a good basis for specific alloys, and also supports different mechanical or chemical treatments.
º Aceros de conformación en frió convencionales.
º Aceros de alto limite elástico (HSS).
º Aceros laminados en caliente y decapados.
Most currently used are conventional steels (with or without coating), but very important there is a tendency to use steel which provide greater rigidity to the structure and greater resistance to deformation.
These steels are known as high yield strength. The use of these steels can offer optimized structures, achieving better designs, models in service more responsive, more rigid, safe for the reply against impact and lighter.
Entre los aceros HSS más importantes se encuentran:
º Aceros microaleados (de alta resistencia y baja aleación).
º Aceros fase dual.
Un acero de fase dual de baja aleación que se puede soldar, de ultra elevada resistencia con excelente tenacidad a la temperatura criogénica en la placa de fondo y en la zona afectada por calor (haz) cuando se suelda, teniendo una resistencia a la tensión mayor de 830 mpa (120 ksi) y una microestructura que comprende una fase ferrita (14) y una segunda fase de listón de martensita.
º Aceros refosforados.
º Aceros Bake Hardening.
Estos aceros se elaboran y se tratan para obtener un aumento significativo del limite de elasticidad en caso de tratamiento térmico a bajas temperaturas, en particular durante la cocción de la pintura.
º Aceros IF (Intersticial Free).
Estos aceros están pensados para obtener un excelente equilibrio entre la estampabilidad y la resistencia mecánica, gracias a la metalurgia especifica sin elementos intersticiales.
º Aceros TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity).
Among the most growing steels in use today are made of steel plates Bake Hardening whose most significant quality is to be easily stackable before receiving heat treatment modifies its elasticity. In these cases, a look assembled body and after received the coatings of electrocoating, is introduced into an oven at 180 ° C for drying, while the steel varies its molecular structure, thus obtaining increased yield strength. This increase reduces the thickness of the sheet and reduce the weight of the body, both as to obtain a greater resistance to deformation.
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